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IB Primary Years Programme
IBPYP Overview
Mashrek International School is an official PYP authorized school and we implement the IB Primary Years Programme for students aged 3 to 10 from KG1 to grade 5
, which focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the outside world. Mashrek adopts the PYP which believes that the student learns best in an authentic, relevant to the "real" world and transdisciplinary nature, where learning is not confined within the boundaries of traditional subject areas but is supported and enriched by them. The most significant and distinctive feature of the IB Primary Years Programme is the six transdisciplinary themes.
These themes are about issues that have meaning for and are important to the formation of the whole child being a long life learner. The programme offers a balance between learning about or through the subject areas and learning beyond them. At Mashrek, we do not believe that students need to be educated in a set of isolated subject areas, so connections across the disciplines are made, students discover ways to integrate the separate subjects and ultimately relate what they learn to life by exploring a set of themes that represents shared human experiences. The six themes of global significance create a transdisciplinary framework that allows students to “step up” beyond the confines of learning within subject areas.
The themes are:
- Who We are
- Where We Are in Place and Time
- How We Express Ourselves
- How the World Works
- How We Organize Ourselves
- Sharing the Planet
At Mashrek International School, our educational philosophy is deeply rooted in the concept of open space learning, which emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and a student-centered approach. We believe that learning environments should be dynamic spaces where students can engage with concepts, each other, and their teachers in meaningful ways.
We recognize that students have diverse needs, abilities, and learning styles. To address these, we adopt a system of grouping and regrouping students based on their growing needs and abilities. This approach ensures that each student receives the support and challenges necessary for their personal growth.
Our well-being academic mentors play an essential role in this process. We have two well-being academic mentors who are each responsible for specific groups of students. These mentors ensure that every student is seen, heard, and supported, not only in their academic achievements but also in their social and emotional well-being. This holistic approach is integral to our implementation of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) model, where the focus is on transdisciplinary teaching and learning.
During well-being time, mentors cover all aspects of our well-being framework, which includes social, emotional, and academic support. They also take on responsibilities in key subject areas such as language instruction (both Arabic and English), Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. This transdisciplinary approach ensures that learning is not isolated but rather interconnected, reflecting the real world.
In addition to the well-being academic mentors, subject-specific teachers bring their expertise to the areas of Arts, ICT, and PE. These teachers collaborate closely with the well-being academic mentors to create an efficient learning experience that aligns with our open space learning model. By doing so, we ensure that every student at Mashrek International School benefits from a well-rounded, inclusive education that prepares them to be global citizens and lifelong learners.
Mashrek International School was officially authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme by the International Baccalaureate (IB) in December 2012 and has since been committed to implementing and further developing the IB Programmes at the school.
The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the outside world. The PYP is the first of the three IB Programmes of education. It gives students an excellent foundation for the other IB Programmes, the MYP and the DP.
At Mashrek International School, our commitment to educational excellence is further strengthened by our authorization as an IB World School in December 2012. Since then, we have been dedicated to the continuous development and implementation of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes, starting with the Primary Years Programme (PYP).
The PYP at Mashrek focuses on nurturing the whole child as an inquirer, both within the classroom and beyond. This inquiry-based approach is foundational to our educational philosophy and aligns perfectly with our belief in open space learning, where students are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and engage deeply with their learning environments.
By providing students with an excellent foundation through the PYP, we ensure a seamless transition to the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP), fostering lifelong learning and preparing our students to thrive in an interconnected world.
What is Special about the Primary Years Programme (PYP)?
We believe our students:
- Academic, social and emotional well-being is a priority
- Should learn upon their prior knowledge through inquiry and a concept-driven curriculum
- Require opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning to work individually, with a partner and collaboratively
- Are curious, inquisitive, explorers and that they interact with the environment physically, socially and intellectually
- Learn through differentiated experiences which accommodate for the range of abilities and learning styles
- Effort is supported to gain an understanding of the world and to function comfortably within it
- Need to establish personal values as a foundation upon which international mindedness develops and flourishes
Communication with Parents
A transparent and sustainable communication between the school and parents is extremely important; therefore, the following procedures and strategies are conducted to maintain an open and ongoing channel:
- PYP School Newsletters: In the Primary parents receive a weekly newsletter in order to be continuously involved and informed of their child's learning journey whereas for the KG, they receive a biweekly newsletter.
- Report Cards: Parents will be able to observe students’ achievements through report cards.
- 3-Way Conferences / Student-Led Conferences: These conferences are held twice a year, once per semester and they give parents and students the opportunity to communicate; where the student leads the conference by demonstrating samples of his/her work. Parents listen to their children sharing their strengths, challenges and their evaluation of the learning process. Teachers are present to facilitate the dialogue and provide support during the conference. During 3-Way Conferences the teacher's role extends to explain the student's strengths and challenges as well as to share the action plan the student is working on to meet his/her needs.
- The PYP community (Kindergarten & Primary) communicates with parents through the student's emaill account. Furthermore, all notifications, newsletters, memos resources and homework are uploaded on Microsoft Teams.
To read more about IBPYP, click here
To read more about PYP Model of Transdisciplinary Learning, click here

At Mashrek International School Kindergarten, students learn though a safe play-based and enjoyable environment. We provide a variety of open space learning areas where hands on play, exploration, and real play experiences allow our students to discover, investigate and inquire into different concepts while developing their social, emotional and cognitive skills. Kindergarten students inquire into a minimum of 4 transdisciplinary themes. These themes develop students' inquiry over time, becoming more aware that real problems require solutions based on the integration of knowledge that spans and connects many subject areas, demonstrating mastery of skills and accumulation of comprehensive knowledge base enable them to find solutions, solve problems and conduct their inquiry successfully.
Reading Programme
Our students are integrated into a reading programme throughout KG1 and KG2, where they are divided into groups accompanied by a teacher depending on their reading level.
Assessments in the KG focus on building a strong knowledge base and developing it through experiments, research and inquiry through the Transdisciplinary Units. Therefore, Formative Assessment is conducted throughout the learning process in order to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes among students, using different strategies according to each individual student's needs. A portfolio is one type of assessment. It is a record of each student’s involvement in learning, which is designed to demonstrate success, growth, higher-order thinking, creativity, assessment strategies and reflection.
. It is a celebration of an active mind at work. The portfolio provides a picture of each student’s progress and development over a period of time, both as an individual and group learner. It enables students to reflect with teachers, parents and peers in order to identify their strengths and growth, as well as to recognize areas for improvement. Subsequently, individual goals are set and teaching and learning plans are established. As for the Summative Assessment, it evaluates the overall achievement of the students using a number of different strategies.
As we believe in raising individual identity, responsibility and independence, our school offers a range of extracurricular activities including: Music, Football, Gymnastics, Origami, Ready Steady Go (physical movement classes), Taekwondo, Basketball and Drawing.

At Mashrek Primary School, we practice co-teaching which is an instructional delivery approach in which 2 teachers share responsibility for planning, delivery and evaluation of instructional techniques for a group of students, these teachers are called well-being mentors. The Primary Years Programme is committed to structured inquiry for learning. Six transdisciplinary themes provide the framework for exploration of knowledge. In the process, students explore subject areas, develop important concepts, acquire essential skills and develop the attributes of the IB Learner Profile which teaches them how to take socially responsible actions.
Grade 5 students have 2 well-being mentors who are responsible for the well-being of each group, they also have one single subject specialist for each subject area.
In the PYP final year, students fulfill 6 units of inquiry, one of which is presented in the PYP Exhibition where the students are required to engage in a collaborative inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues and problems of their own interest. The students celebrate their achievements with their group members during a whole day exhibition where they invite their parents, relatives and friends.
The Primary School focuses on building a strong knowledge base and developing it through experiments, research and inquiry through the Units of Inquiry. Therefore, Formative Assessment is conducted throughout the learning process to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes among students, using a variety of teaching strategies. A portfolio is one type of assessment. It is a record of each student’s involvement in learning, which is designed to demonstrate success, growth, higher-order thinking, ceativity, assessment strategies and reflection.It is a celebration of an active mind at work. The portfolio provides a depiction of each student’s progress and development over a period of time, both as an individual and a group learner. It enables students to reflect with teachers, parents and peers in order to identify their strengths and growth, as well as to recognize areas for improvement. Subsequently, individual goals are set and teaching and learning plans are established. As for the Summative Assessment, it evaluates the overall achievement of the students using a number of different strategies. Students also undergo four quarterly written assessments accompanied by an academic and behavioral report, which are issued and distributed according to the following:
- Mid-Term Assessment of the first semester
- End of Term Assessment of the first semester
- Mid-Term Assessment of the second semester
- End of Term Assessment of the second semester