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IRCs Overview

Mashrek has four Information Resources Centers (IRCs) that provide up-to-date printed and digital material, as well as online resources. Our collections are properly selected to promote international mindedness and multiculturalism. Our resources are always in hand, to all community members, to enrich their knowledge and develop their awareness of local and global issues. All services and practices in the IRCs aim to encourage students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers and ethical users of information. The continuous collaboration between the IRC staff and our teachers ensures that the school's community is catered in terms of providing engaging resources, enhancing students' literacy skills, organizing workshops and interviews with experts, book clubs, reading competitions, etc.
Contact email: info.center@mashrek.edu.jo

KG Information Resources Center

The Kindergarten IRC is rich with interesting resources and various educational games. Kindergarten students are welcome during the school day to read stories, research and enjoy hands-on activities. Reading-for-pleasure books are available for students to reinforce reading habits in different languages, to cater all nationalities of students in campus, thus students become enthusiastic to develop and strengthen a love for knowledge.

Primary School Information Resources Center

The Primary School IRC is an essential part of students' learning and plays a key role in innovation, curiosity and problem solving. Students enjoy reading books, researching for their projects, watching educational videos and acquiring new library skills during the allocated lessons for each homeroom. Many activities are held at the Primary School IRC to promote students’ love for reading.

Main Information Resources Center

The Main IRC supports grades 6 to 12 students and prepares them with the skills they need to work confidently in a modern digital learning environment and encourage them to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers and skillful researchers. The Main IRC team promotes a love for reading, liable research and ethical use of information. Mashrek community members have access to a variety of literature and materials in both print and digital formats. The vast collection consists of materials such as: references, atlases, fiction, non-fiction, periodicals and professional resources in different languages. As an international school, catering for various nationalites of students with different languages is another foremost role, where we aim to enhance and value different mother tongue languages as part of our students' identity and diverse cultural heritage. 

Follett Destiny Library Manager

Follett Destiny Library Manager is our online catalogue which allows users to search for materials.