Leading Through Innovation

Letter from the School Director

Dear Envisioners,
Over 35 years of involvement in the education sector locally and internationally we were able to draw the road of our passion in teaching and learning with perseverance and patience, starting with my biggest learning experience

teaching children with learning challenges which taught me that opportunities are always open when we believe in human capacity, and that schools are the best environment for doors and pathways to great achievements. 

We all aspired to turn Mashrek into an inclusive organization that seeks excellence in its mission and practices.
Mashrek progress and success grew from years of dedicated work and a series of ambitious goals. The founders’ vision and values, and the support of our staff have taken Mashrek from its modest beginnings in its opening year
1993 with 172 students and 28 employees to become one of the leading schools in Jordan with around 1900 students and 350 employees.

When we started planning for Mashrek’s new strategy, we had a good understanding of the road ahead, we identified opportunities to enhance, to strengthen, and to build our school over the next three years.
In each phase, we connected with people who made Mashrek such a special place— the staff, the students and the parents; all who have vested interest in our collective success. Along the way, it became abundantly clear that the plan would reflect the fact that it’s about each of us.

We have successfully achieved excellence in our practices by your inspiring, thoughtful, caring, and student focused work. 
Today, we are poised to lead innovation and positive change in education. We’re in a position to enable more dynamic learning opportunities that will engage students in intellectual and creative inquiry.

Mashrek International School will start a new chapter of education change in Jordan. The focus of the strategy will be achieving a leap in teaching and learning, and be a model school in Jordan and eventually in the world.

Learning at Mashrek Kindergarten and Primary School flows seamlessly between open spaces, indoors and outdoors, making the most efficient use of resources and building on interests and enthusiasms. Our learners work together and explore within spaces that promote a sense of well-being as this offer learners with opportunities for learning, exploring, developing, physical activity, freedom, movement and growth. Learners enjoy engaging in shared experiences of self-expression, play, narrative and connection within these open spaces while they enhance their communication and social skills. 

These learning spaces provide learners with opportunities to group and regroup as a community, where learners are free to move around with access to a variety of learning materials and spaces to play and inquire. These settings emphasize learning through individual and small-group instruction to encourage collaboration and active learning by connecting through larger grouping as well. Technology is facilitated in each space with its own interactive Promethean screen. Each space also has a sound system connected to ensure a smooth flow of the day-to-day kindergarten routines, enhancing communication and support.

We have a collective responsibility to serve each other as well as our students and share our experience with other schools in Jordan and spread our knowledge and practices for the benefit of the Jordanian community.

Dr. Hana Al-Nasser Malhas

School Director / Co-founder of the School